Emergency Dentist

Uncompromising Quality and Luxury in Escondido, CA

Dr. Jon Campbell. Campbell Dental Arts, Cosmetic, Restorative, Family, Pediatric Dentist in Escondido, CA 92025
Dr. Jon Campbell. Campbell Dental Arts, Cosmetic, Restorative, Family, Pediatric Dentist in Escondido, CA 92025

Emergency Dentist in Escondido, CA

When you are dealing with any dental problem, your dentist needs to know right away. But when you are dealing with a problem outside of opening hours, you need to know if an emergency dentist is a right option for you. Sometimes we can feel so much pain, but it might not be a dental emergency.

What Is an Emergency Dentist?

An emergency dentist is someone who provides dental care outside of regular working hours. We can experience dental emergencies at any time, day or night. Whether you’ve been hit in the mouth, fell on a tooth, or even chewed on a particularly sticky piece of candy, the dentist is there for you when you need them. 

An emergency dentist is there to help you when you are in a situation where one or more of your teeth are loose or dislodged. In addition to this, they can help if you are experiencing severe pain. 

There are a wide variety of scenarios that can mean you require an emergency dentist. Whether you are experiencing pain or you have lost teeth or sustained damage, a dentist might be able to help by minimizing the pain or saving the tooth. 

When Would You Need an Emergency Dentistry?

Not every dental situation might be considered an emergency. If you think you need to see an emergency dentist, you should look for some of these key signs:

Severe pain.

If you are having severe pain, either in the tooth or the gum, and there are signs of bleeding, this is considered an emergency.

A lost tooth.

If you have lost a tooth, it is vital to contact an emergency dentist right away. An emergency dentist can potentially save the tooth.

An infection.

If you have an infection or an abscess in your mouth, you cannot wait; you need to contact an emergency dentist. Any form of infection can be potentially life-threatening. If you notice any swelling on your gums or around the face, you must contact an emergency dentist.

Loose teeth.

Adults should never have loose teeth. If you are experiencing this, even if there is no pain, it can be a serious problem and will require an emergency dentist right away.

In addition to these, if you have any dental problem that requires immediate treatment to reduce pain, stop bleeding, or save your tooth, these are considered emergencies. If you are experiencing any of these problems, you likely need an emergency dentist.

How to Prevent Dental Accidents

While accidents are unavoidable, there are certain easy steps that every family may take to lessen the risk of dental injuries, such as:


Hard foods that can shatter teeth:
Hard candy, popcorn kernels, pitted olives, and ice cubes, should be avoided.


Wear a Protective Mouthguard:
When your children are playing football, ice skating, or partaking in other strenuous sports, have them wear a custom mouth guard to protect their teeth.


Teeth Should Never Be Used as Tools
You should never use teeth to tear open packages. Instead, grab the scissors!


Regular Oral Care
See a dentist for a routine dental checkup every six months for you and your children to avoid tooth decay and other oral health issues.
Emergency Dentistry in Escondido, California

It’s also important to note that there are times when it is not an emergency. A chipped or cracked tooth is only an emergency if there is pain or trauma in your mouth. Also, a toothache can wait as long as the pain is not so severe. With all of these issues, however, if there is pain, it is important to get in contact with an emergency dentist or, at the very least, call your dentist for advice.

Never feel that you have to suffer in silence. Here at Campbell Dental Arts, we provide emergency help to the people of Escondido, California. If you need immediate help, call us now at (760) 745-9814.
