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Why You Should Consider Veneers in Escondido

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Why should you consider veneers in escondido Campbell Dental Arts dentist in escondido ca

Veneers are a popular and effective way to improve your smile. They are bespoke thin shells, made out of porcelain. Veneers fit neatly over the front of your teeth giving the effect of a Hollywood smile. Veneers provide a permanent solution to several dental problems. If you’re interested in learning more about getting veneers in Escondido, perhaps the team at Campbell Dental Arts can help you. There are many benefits to veneers.


Who can get veneers?

The answer is anyone. Veneers are very versatile. They are often chosen for aesthetic appeal but they can also be a long-term solution to many dental issues including:

  • Chipped, cracked or broken teeth
  • Discoloration
  • Teeth that are misaligned or uneven
  • Stains caused by root canal treatment, fillings, fluoride, or medication

There are two main types of veneers, prepared and no-prep. These are differentiated by the amount of work done to your teeth before fitting the veneer. It depends on the patient and the reason they are getting the veneer. Either way, veneers are designed as a permanent solution.


The benefits of veneers

There are several benefits of veneers making them a very popular choice for anyone looking to improve their smile, including celebrities. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider veneers.



Veneers are a long-term solution. If they’re properly cared for, they can last for at least 15 years, and then can easily be replaced. They are made from very durable materials and will feel like normal teeth. Veneers don’t affect the way you eat or drink and are very comfortable.


Confidence boost

If you’re feeling self-conscious about a tooth that may be a little cracked or discolored, a veneer can provide the solution to this. It’s surprising how much improving your smile just a little will add to your confidence. Dentists can work wonders with veneers to leave your teeth looking natural, bright, and healthy. 



Veneers are a custom treatment which is tailored to each and every patient. They are made to fit the exact size and shape of your teeth and to fit in line with the rest of your smile. Your tooth underneath will be prepared as well so that your veneer fits like a glove, and looks perfectly natural. 


Quick and easy procedure

It only takes two visits to the dentist to have a veneer fitted. One to take the necessary measurements, so the veneer can be prepared, and one to fit the veneer. It’s a quick and easy, non-invasive procedure you can have done on your lunch break. Before you’re given your custom veneers you will have temporary veneers fitted to help you get an idea of the look and feel.



Veneers are stain-resistant. You won’t have to avoid certain foods or drinks. They look and feel like normal teeth. Even though they won’t stain, it’s still necessary to keep up a dental hygiene routine.

If you’re considering getting veneers in the town of Escondido, then contact us at Campbell Dental Arts.

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